Hidden Obsession: An Alliance Agency Novel: Book 2 Read online

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  The way she tensed immediately alerted Mason, who pulled back to look at her. “Hey, Cleo. What’s going on?”

  “There’s a guy at the bar watching me.”

  Mason’s reaction was immediate as he turned and put himself between her and the bar, ready to defend her. Cleo’s breath seized in her lungs when the blond man got up from his chair and headed toward Mason. Cleo held on to his shirt, waiting to see what was going to happen.

  Just as she thought the blond man was about to attack, he smiled, transforming him from threatening to devastatingly handsome, and he and Mason hugged, laughing as they exchanged manly back slaps.

  Stunned, Cleo took a step back, trying to get her heartbeat under control.

  Mason turned to her. “Cleo, I’d like you to meet Travis Vaughn, a friend and colleague from the Secret Service. Travis, this is Cleo.”

  Travis’ smile was warm when he shook her hand. “A pleasure meeting you Cleo. I saw how Mason reacted, and I’m sorry. I thought it was Mason but I wasn’t sure, and that’s why I couldn’t help but stare until I was certain. It was inappropriate, and it’s obvious I scared you. Please accept my apologies, but I couldn’t believe it was Mason.”

  Cleo offered a smile, reassured. “Don’t apologize, I overreacted. Let’s just say I’m a bit under pressure right now.”

  Travis frowned at her and Mason, about to ask a question, when a couple bumped into him. “We better get out of the way. I didn’t mean to disturb your dance or your date.”

  Mason clapped him on the shoulder. “I didn’t know you were in town. Why didn’t you call me?”

  They moved toward the bar, Mason taking her hand. Cleo felt foolish for suspecting Travis. She was way too tense, and her brain was playing tricks on her. She shook off the bad feeling deciding she had overreacted.

  “I’m finishing an investigation here. Tying up some loose ends. Couldn’t be side-tracked. You know how it is.”

  “Why don’t you join us at our table? We’ll grab another chair.” Cleo smiled, wanting to make amends with Mason’s friend.

  Travis hesitated, and Mason gave her a hard look, but Cleo squeezed his hand in confirmation. Winking at Travis, she led the way. She wanted her brain to stop feeding on fear and spending time with two dangerous men was the best way to feel safe again.

  “Come on, Travis! I can’t wait for you to tell me all the dirt you have on Mason so I can tease him mercilessly about it.”

  Chapter Eight

  As the night wore on, Mason found himself falling deeper and deeper under Cleo’s spell. Everything about her—from teasing him about his suits to revealing her past with her parents—showed him a woman he wanted in his life. The way she reacted to his touch set his blood on fire. It had been easy to push the threat against her to the back of his mind here where he was familiar with the people.

  Her reaction to Travis had been a wake-up call. Mason had mixed feelings about inviting Travis to join them. On the one hand, he hadn’t seen his friend in over a year, on the other and more selfish side, he wanted Cleo to himself. In the end, Cleo had decided for him, and he let her have her way. Watching the smile on her face as Travis regaled her with stories of some of their escapades warmed him.

  Travis flirted shamelessly, but to her credit, apart from being friendly and her usual sweet self, she didn’t respond or flirt back. If anything, she leaned in closer to Mason. Around midnight he saw her try to smother a yawn and decided to wind things up.

  Mason pulled Cleo closer and kissed her head. “I think it’s time to get this one home to bed.” It was too soon for displays of ownership or over-familiarization, but he didn’t do it for that reason, it was a natural reaction, just as hers was to lean into him.

  Travis offered a grin as he stood with them. “Of course. I’m sorry I crashed your date.”

  “Please don’t apologize, Travis. I loved meeting you.” Cleo’s smile was genuine.

  “You too, and if this guy doesn’t treat you right, call me.” His friend offered her a flirty wink.

  “I will.” Cleo laughed not correcting him about the status, or unknown status, of their relationship at present.

  “Mason, let’s try and get together for a drink before I leave town.”

  Mason shook his friend’s hand. “Absolutely.” He had been so busy with work and recovering from the stabbing, he hadn’t seen his buddies for a while, especially ones from his Secret Service days.

  “Look after this one; she’s far too good for you.” With a grin, Travis headed toward the beach with a wave.

  Mason walked Cleo back to his car, his arm around her waist. She leaned her body into his, snuggling close like she was cold. He stopped, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders before he carried on to the car.

  The drive home was quiet, but not awkward. It felt content, relaxed as if they had done this a hundred times. He could imagine doing this with Cleo for the next fifty years and not getting bored. Not that he was getting ahead of himself, they had made no promises to each other, but he thought maybe one day there could be a real chance for this to go the distance.

  Despite her reservations, Cleo had opened up to him, trusted him and the fact that she was now in the passenger’s seat, wrapped in his jacket fast asleep reinforced she trusted him.

  He pulled up outside his apartment building and killed the engine as he watched her for a few minutes as she slept.

  In a normal situation, he would walk to her side of the car, slide his arms around her, and carry her upstairs but with the current threat, he couldn’t do that. He needed to keep his hands and head clear in case of an attack so he gently caressed her cheek with his finger.

  “Cleo, honey.” She startled awake, a look of fear on her face. “Hey, it’s okay, just me.” He made sure to keep a reassuring tone as her sleep clouded eyes found his. “We’re home.” The sentence settled in his gut as he realized his apartment had never felt more like a home than it had over the last twenty-four hours.


  When she moved to grab the handle, he gently stopped her. “Wait for me to come around.” Only then did he exit the car, quickly moving to her side and helping her out before he ushered her inside and up the stairs without incident.

  Closing and locking the door behind them, he watched her drop her bag on the couch and kick off her shoes by the coffee table.

  “You want anything? A drink?” Without waiting for her answer, he poured himself a small brandy.

  Cleo looked at him from where she had slumped into the sofa and shook her head. “No, thanks. I should probably head to bed. It’s been a long day, and I’m shattered.”

  Mason nodded, she did look tired, and he had no doubt that until this sick maniac was caught, there would be more for her to face. Mason moved toward her not wanting to rush things but not wanting her to think he didn’t want this. “I had the best time tonight, Cleo.”

  “Me too. You’re fun to be around, Mason.” She got to her feet and went to straighten his tie as he moved closer.

  “I want this.” He motioned to her and him. “I want us to explore what this could be.” His hands rested on her hips. He saw the pulse in her neck kick up and felt the familiar tightness in his balls from the unused desire of their encounters. “What do you say?” The answer felt like it held more weight than he could imagine.

  “I say yes.”

  Her answer surprised him. “Yes?”

  “Yes. I realized tonight life is short, and I can’t spend it worrying about what if. I trusted you with my past, and you were gentle with what I gave you. If I can trust you with my past and my present, then I’m willing to give it a go with my future. But I have rules, and that means no more messing around at work. I’ve worked damn hard to be the best at my job, and I won’t have it ruined by getting caught fucking you at work.”

  “Thank you, Cleo, for trusting me, and I won’t promise we’ll be the next Romeo and Juliet, but I can promise to be honest and respect you at work.�

  Her laughter filled the space between them. “God, I hope we aren’t the next Romeo and Juliet. Didn’t they end up dead? How anyone thinks that’s romantic, I’ll never know.”

  He chuckled in return. “True. Now, get yourself to bed, we have work tomorrow.” He pushed her gently toward the door.

  Cleo laughed softly, and it went straight to his cock, forcing him to bury a moan. She stopped at the door to the hallway and turned back to look at him, offering him a sultry look. “You coming?”

  Mason shot back his drink, placed the empty glass on the counter, and followed her silent invitation. Cleo took his hand and led him to his bedroom before she turned and leaned into him. “I can’t sleep without my new sleep therapy.” She began to unbutton his shirt.

  “That right?” With a grin, he lifted his hands into her hair and began to pull out the flowers there.

  “Yes, and I must say I recommend it. Maybe you should try it too.”

  Mason felt like his cock was going to explode right then at the images her words conjured up. “Maybe I will, but I thought you were tired?” Regretfully, he gave her a chance to back out.

  “I was, and now I’m not.” She stepped back and pulled her dress over her shoulders and down, letting it pool at her feet, leaving her in just a white, lace bra and thong.

  “Fuck it.” That was all he could say to the vision in front of him, taking her to the bed with a kiss that left them both breathless. He was in awe of her soft skin under his hands, the lush curves beneath him. “You’re so fucking beautiful, Cleo.” His voice rumbled as he kissed his way down her front, teasing her nipple through the lace of her bra with his mouth, making her arch against him and hold his head.

  His cock was pressed to her core as she squirmed against him seeking more, seeking relief from the need building in them both. Mason moved his hands down her ribs, over her small waist, and the gentle flare of her hips. His head followed as he kissed his way toward the edge of her panties. “I want to taste you,” he begged, meeting her dark eyes with a desire that he knew matched his own.

  “Yes.” He could hear her need in her reply.

  Mason moved her thong down her long legs, where she kicked them off with a flick of her feet. His eyes landed on her pussy, the thin strip of hair a pleasant surprise in this time where women felt they had to shave every inch of hair from their bodies. Kissing his way closer, he nipped the inside of her thighs with his teeth before swiping his tongue along the sweet folds of her pussy. Mason nipped, licked, and kissed her, tasting her until he felt drunk on the sweet taste of her and the whimpers and groans that came from her.

  “Mason,” she begged as she held his head to her, her hips moving looking for more.

  Mason lifted his head and caught the look of complete rapture in her eyes before he smiled and went right back to her pussy.

  “Mason, I...” She began but never finished as her climax crashed through her. Legs shaking, body writhing, she rode the sensations that racked her body. The complete way she surrendered to the moment was hotter than hell and had his balls aching for release. He dropped a kiss on her swollen clit before he crawled back up her body. “That was...amazing.” She stroked his cheek and stared into his eyes.

  “Yeah, it was.” He saw her eyes soften as she pushed him up, so they were both sitting on their knees on the bed.

  “Now it’s your turn.” She shoved him back until he lay flat.

  He went willingly, wanting to see what she would do next. In the most seductive move he had ever seen, she crawled closer until she was kneeling over his waist, her hands at his belt. Cleo made quick work of the belt and then undid the zipper on his pants, her movements slow and considered as she exposed his hard cock to her hungry eyes.

  “Commando.” Cleo purred with a raised brow. “Hmm, if I had known that then dinner would have been much more interesting.”

  “Dinner was perfect.” He couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed a meal so much.

  “But dessert will be better.” She grasped his hard cock and stroked him from root to tip. Mason bucked his hips as her head lowered and Cleo followed the path of her hand with her tongue, licking and teasing him until he wound his hand in her hair and tugged, making her moan before she took him in her mouth.

  The moan slipped from his throat in a guttural sound as she took him into her mouth. It was all he could do not to flip her on her back and fuck her throat. This was the best kind of torture, and he began to move his hips as she worked his cock like a god-damn pro.

  He felt his balls tighten and the warning tingle shot along the base of his spine as she teased him. “Cleo,” he warned as she backed off, before starting again.

  “What?” The question sounded so innocent as she dove back in, taking him so far back in her throat before swallowing he saw stars. His control gone, he pulled out and flipped her onto her back, before crawling up her body and pushing his cock back into her waiting mouth.

  “No more teasing, little girl.” With a growl, he began to fuck her mouth as his hand teased her pretty pussy, circling her clit until she was rocking her hips again as she worked him.

  “I’m gonna cum.” He could only groan as he felt his climax peek. His words seemed to encourage Cleo as she worked him harder, not stopping until he came hard, his vision going white as he heard her scream her pleasure beneath him. Next time he would fuck her until they both came so hard they passed out, but for now, he pulled his softening cock from her mouth and watched the woman who was so put together lick her lips and grin.

  Cleo was a gift, and she deserved to be worshipped, but they needed sleep. Striping his clothes, he crawled into bed after putting on a pair of gym shorts and giving Cleo one of his T-shirts. Then he wrapped her in his arms, and they fell asleep, neither of them thinking about the danger that stalked her.

  Chapter Nine

  Mason felt on top of the world the moment he opened his eyes the next morning with Cleo wrapped around him, her soft skin glowing in the early morning light.

  He was tempted to wake her for a repeat of the previous night, but a quick look at his watch told him that if they indulged again, they would be late. The idea of a morning romp was tempting, but if he wanted a future with Cleo, he had to keep her safe and alive, and to do that, he had to catch her stalker.

  Untangling himself from the warm woman in his bed, he showered quickly and dressed before going to the kitchen to start the coffee. As he checked the fridge to see if there was anything that could still be classified as edible, he heard the shower turn on. With some difficulty, he ignored the rush of blood to his cock imagining Cleo’s naked body under the spray and finally found a pancake mix that was still within its expiry date.

  He was setting the table when two slender arms came around his waist. Turning to see the goddess who’d rocked his world a few hours earlier, he took in the scent of soap and shampoo coming from her as he stole her lips in a good morning kiss. However, when lust flared, he grabbed her hips and pushed her to arm’s length breathing hard. “There’s nothing more I’d like than continue our good morning kiss, but if we do, the pancakes will get cold, and we’ll be late for work.”

  Cleo wrinkled her perfect nose, clearly disappointed before checking the time on the stove. “But we still have time…”

  “Not if we stop for coffee and pastries as you normally do. And because we can’t go to your usual place, it will take extra time.”

  Annoyance was replaced by resignation before a smile returned to her mouth, and she gave him a chaste kiss. “Thank you for thinking about it. I didn’t realize we’d need extra time.” She looked at the table and gave him another peck on the mouth. “And thank you for going to all this trouble. I love pancakes.”

  Warmth expanded in his chest when she turned to fill them both a cup of coffee. Dressed in a bright blue dress, her violet hair in a simple ponytail, with minimal make-up, she looked stunning, but then she always did. Mason loved how perfectly at ease she was in his kitchen,
doctoring her coffee before taking a sip and closing her eyes in visible bliss.

  “How do you take your coffee?”

  “Black is fine.”

  Rounding the counter, she put his mug on the table. “No wonder you take it black, it’s amazing coffee.”

  Mason brought the plate of pancakes and put it in the middle of the table. He went back for syrup, butter, and brown sugar, hoping that it was how she ate them.

  “There’s a little shop on my jogging route I discovered a couple of weeks ago. My Spanish is rusty, but the owner and I communicate through coffee.”

  Cleo sat and smiled. “I think I’ll have to take up jogging too. It seems you discover the most amazing places during your runs.”

  She helped herself to a few pancakes before drenching them with syrup, catching the last drop with her finger before licking it. The image of those ruby lips around his cock came to mind, and he was glad he was seated for a few minutes to give his hard-on a chance lessen a bit.

  “And I’ll need to start jogging if you feed me pancakes like this every morning. Otherwise, I’ll need to shop for more than new underwear.”

  She winked at him, and Mason shook his head, smiling at the light banter. “I like your curves, Cleo. And you can jog with me anytime.”

  Cutting a piece of pancake, she started to eat, rolling her eyes at him. ”My exercise is using my bike every morning and night. I haven’t had time for sports since I left Arizona.”

  She said it lightly, but the topic was obviously heavy for her. However, he couldn’t help himself and dug a little more, wanting to know her better. “What did you do after you left? You said you went to Houston. You found a job there?”

  “Yep. As a file clerk in a law office. It was pure luck that I landed it within a week of arriving. I was renting a room in a hostel nearby, and I met a lawyer at a coffee shop one morning as I was looking at the classifieds. We said hello, she asked for the arts section and if I was searching for a job. Less than a year later, I was promoted to executive assistant.”